Ultimate Fours Women Tournament – 18.08.2024




Flying Angels Bern hosts Switzerland's first Ultimate Fours Women* Tournament

On Sunday 18.08.24, we invite you to participate in our Ultimate Fours Women* tournament in Bern.

What is Ultimate 4’s? It mainly means smaller fields and smaller teams played 4 against 4. The format was first introduced in 2021 and has since gained a big following! Click here to know what WFDF wrote about it

Why Ultimate 4’s? Because it means more disc contact which makes it even more fun. You can sign up as a team or individually, and we will find an awesome team for you!

Please note. Appropriate insurance  coverage is the responsibility of the participants (injury, damage, loss, etc.). The organizer does not assume responsibility for participants‘ health, safety, security, or support.

*FLINTA are welcome

General information

– Location:
Grass turf at Schulhaus Marzili, Sulgeneckstrasse 51, 3007 Bern 
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/U3G8i5Mw4KM2RztXA

Toilets and changing rooms are available

– Timing
o 9:45 Welcome and Captains Meeting
o 10:30 Start of the games
o 12:15-13:15 Lunch break for all
o 16:00 End

– Tournament Format
o Teams from Hot Mess Express, Louves and FABuhaft
o 2-3 Games per team: Round Robin, then a final between the teams ranked 1st and 2nd
o Game: two half-times of 18 minutes, 4 minutes break between halves
o The team that is not playing Ultimate Fours (round robin) will play a surprise Frisbee
discipline >> more information on Sunday

– Food and drinks
o Lunchbreak 12.15-13.15
o Please bring your own plate/cutlery/cup
o Selection of drinks for sale all day
o BBQ available (vegetarian/meat); bring your own or buy from us (we will update you
Saturday late afternoon what will be for sale as this depends a bit on the event Saturday)
o You can use our fridge to cool your BBQ-stuff/food if you want

– What not to forget
o Cleats, your team-dress, water bottle, sun/rain-proof clothes
o Clothes to change into as we might have a surprise involving a tarp/water/frisbee


The current WFDF Ultimate Rules apply if not stated otherwise below:
– Four players per team
– Fields are smaller (sorry we cannot give you exact dimensions about the size at our tournament)
– Pull:
o Any pull that touches the out-of-bounds area results in a brick.
o This includes all perimeter lines and includes any contact with those out of-bounds areas
even after the pull has hit the ground.
o The brick is at mid-field.
– Stalls are 7 seconds (starting with 1 going to 7).
o Stall at the “S” in “seven.”
o Stall counts resume as in Section 9.5 of the WFDF rules with the following adaptations:
-> “maximum 9” becomes “maximum 6”
-> “maximum 6” becomes “maximum 4”
-> Contested stall – restarts at “Stalling 5”
– No timeouts
– End of the game
o When the clock for a half expires, the current point concludes (you canNOT finish the point)
o When the clock for a match expires and the teams are separated by more than 1 point, the
game is over immediately (you cannot finish the point).
o If teams are separated by one point or less, they continue playing until the next team scores.
o If the score is tied, teams play one more point (universe).


Sunday, 18th of August 2024.

Ultimate: Louves vs Hot Mess Express
Surprise Discipline: FABuhaft

Ultimate: FABuhaft vs Hot Mess Express
Surprise Discipline: Louves 

Lunch break

Ultimate: Louves vs FABuhaft
Surprise Discipline: Hot Mess Express




Please don’t hesitate to contact Linda if you have any questions:

Mobil +41 79 718 96 47